/************************************************************************** * jquery.themepunch.revolution.js - jQuery Plugin for Revolution Slider * @version: (30.05.2016) * @requires jQuery v1.7 or later (tested on 1.9) * @author ThemePunch **************************************************************************/ ! function (jQuery, undefined) { "use strict"; jQuery.fn.extend({ revolution: function (e) { var t = { delay: 9e3, responsiveLevels: 4064, visibilityLevels: [2048, 1024, 778, 480], gridwidth: 960, gridheight: 500, minHeight: 0, autoHeight: "off", sliderType: "standard", sliderLayout: "auto", fullScreenAutoWidth: "off", fullScreenAlignForce: "off", fullScreenOffsetContainer: "", fullScreenOffset: "0", hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideSliderAtLimit: 0, disableProgressBar: "off", stopAtSlide: -1, stopAfterLoops: -1, shadow: 0, dottedOverlay: "none", startDelay: 0, lazyType: "smart", spinner: "spinner0", shuffle: "off", viewPort: { enable: !1, outof: "wait", visible_area: "60%" }, fallbacks: { isJoomla: !1, panZoomDisableOnMobile: "off", simplifyAll: "on", nextSlideOnWindowFocus: "off", disableFocusListener: !0, ignoreHeightChanges: "off", ignoreHeightChangesSize: 0 }, parallax: { type: "off", levels: [10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85], origo: "enterpoint", speed: 400, bgparallax: "off", opacity: "on", disable_onmobile: "off", ddd_shadow: "on", ddd_bgfreeze: "off", ddd_overflow: "visible", ddd_layer_overflow: "visible", ddd_z_correction: 65, ddd_path: "mouse" }, carousel: { horizontal_align: "center", vertical_align: "center", infinity: "on", space: 0, maxVisibleItems: 3, stretch: "off", fadeout: "on", maxRotation: 0, minScale: 0, vary_fade: "off", vary_rotation: "on", vary_scale: "off", border_radius: "0px", padding_top: 0, padding_bottom: 0 }, navigation: { keyboardNavigation: "off", keyboard_direction: "horizontal", mouseScrollNavigation: "off", onHoverStop: "on", touch: { touchenabled: "off", swipe_treshold: 75, swipe_min_touches: 1, drag_block_vertical: !1, swipe_direction: "horizontal" }, arrows: { style: "", enable: !1, hide_onmobile: !1, hide_onleave: !0, hide_delay: 200, hide_delay_mobile: 1200, hide_under: 0, hide_over: 9999, tmp: "", rtl: !1, left: { h_align: "left", v_align: "center", h_offset: 20, v_offset: 0, container: "slider" }, right: { h_align: "right", v_align: "center", h_offset: 20, v_offset: 0, container: "slider" } }, bullets: { container: "slider", rtl: !1, style: "", enable: !1, hide_onmobile: !1, hide_onleave: !0, hide_delay: 200, hide_delay_mobile: 1200, hide_under: 0, hide_over: 9999, direction: "horizontal", h_align: "left", v_align: "center", space: 0, h_offset: 20, v_offset: 0, tmp: '' }, thumbnails: { container: "slider", rtl: !1, style: "", enable: !1, width: 100, height: 50, min_width: 100, wrapper_padding: 2, wrapper_color: "#f5f5f5", wrapper_opacity: 1, tmp: '', visibleAmount: 5, hide_onmobile: !1, hide_onleave: !0, hide_delay: 200, hide_delay_mobile: 1200, hide_under: 0, hide_over: 9999, direction: "horizontal", span: !1, position: "inner", space: 2, h_align: "left", v_align: "center", h_offset: 20, v_offset: 0 }, tabs: { container: "slider", rtl: !1, style: "", enable: !1, width: 100, min_width: 100, height: 50, wrapper_padding: 10, wrapper_color: "#f5f5f5", wrapper_opacity: 1, tmp: '', visibleAmount: 5, hide_onmobile: !1, hide_onleave: !0, hide_delay: 200, hide_delay_mobile: 1200, hide_under: 0, hide_over: 9999, direction: "horizontal", span: !1, space: 0, position: "inner", h_align: "left", v_align: "center", h_offset: 20, v_offset: 0 } }, extensions: "extensions/", extensions_suffix: ".min.js", debugMode: !1 }; return e = jQuery.extend(!0, {}, t, e), this.each(function () { var t = jQuery(this); e.minHeight = e.minHeight != undefined ? parseInt(e.minHeight, 0) : e.minHeight, "hero" == e.sliderType && t.find(">ul>li").each(function (e) { e > 0 && jQuery(this).remove() }), e.jsFileLocation = e.jsFileLocation || getScriptLocation("themepunch.revolution.min.js"), e.jsFileLocation = e.jsFileLocation + e.extensions, e.scriptsneeded = getNeededScripts(e, t), e.curWinRange = 0, e.rtl = !0, e.navigation != undefined && e.navigation.touch != undefined && (e.navigation.touch.swipe_min_touches = e.navigation.touch.swipe_min_touches > 5 ? 1 : e.navigation.touch.swipe_min_touches), jQuery(this).on("scriptsloaded", function () { return e.modulesfailing ? (t.html('
!! Error at loading Slider Revolution 5.0 Extrensions.' + e.errorm + "
").show(), !1) : (_R.migration != undefined && (e = _R.migration(t, e)), punchgs.force3D = !0, "on" !== e.simplifyAll && punchgs.TweenLite.lagSmoothing(1e3, 16), prepareOptions(t, e), void initSlider(t, e)) }), t.data("opt", e), waitForScripts(t, e) }) }, revremoveslide: function (e) { return this.each(function () { var t = jQuery(this); if (t != undefined && t.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + t.attr("id")).length > 0) { var i = t.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"), a = i.data("opt"); if (a && a.li.length > 0 && (e > 0 || e <= a.li.length)) { var n = jQuery(a.li[e]), r = n.data("index"), o = !1; a.slideamount = a.slideamount - 1, removeNavWithLiref(".tp-bullet", r, a), removeNavWithLiref(".tp-tab", r, a), removeNavWithLiref(".tp-thumb", r, a), n.hasClass("active-revslide") && (o = !0), n.remove(), a.li = removeArray(a.li, e), a.carousel && a.carousel.slides && (a.carousel.slides = removeArray(a.carousel.slides, e)), a.thumbs = removeArray(a.thumbs, e), _R.updateNavIndexes && _R.updateNavIndexes(a), o && t.revnext(), punchgs.TweenLite.set(a.li, { minWidth: "99%" }), punchgs.TweenLite.set(a.li, { minWidth: "100%" }) } } }) }, revaddcallback: function (e) { return this.each(function () { var t = jQuery(this); if (t != undefined && t.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + t.attr("id")).length > 0) { var i = t.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"), a = i.data("opt"); a.callBackArray === undefined && (a.callBackArray = new Array), a.callBackArray.push(e) } }) }, revgetparallaxproc: function () { var e = jQuery(this); if (e != undefined && e.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + e.attr("id")).length > 0) { var t = e.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"), i = t.data("opt"); return i.scrollproc } }, revdebugmode: function () { return this.each(function () { var e = jQuery(this); if (e != undefined && e.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + e.attr("id")).length > 0) { var t = e.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"), i = t.data("opt"); i.debugMode = !0, containerResized(e, i) } }) }, revscroll: function (e) { return this.each(function () { var t = jQuery(this); t != undefined && t.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + t.attr("id")).length > 0 && jQuery("body,html").animate({ scrollTop: t.offset().top + t.height() - e + "px" }, { duration: 400 }) }) }, revredraw: function (e) { return this.each(function () { var e = jQuery(this); if (e != undefined && e.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + e.attr("id")).length > 0) { var t = e.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"), i = t.data("opt"); containerResized(e, i) } }) }, revkill: function (e) { var t = this, i = jQuery(this); if (punchgs.TweenLite.killDelayedCallsTo(_R.showHideNavElements), _R.endMoveCaption && n.endtimeouts && n.endtimeouts.length > 0 && jQuery.each(n.endtimeouts, function (e, t) { clearTimeout(t) }), i != undefined && i.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + i.attr("id")).length > 0) { i.data("conthover", 1), i.data("conthover-changed", 1), i.trigger("revolution.slide.onpause"); var a = i.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"), n = a.data("opt"); n.tonpause = !0, i.trigger("stoptimer"), punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(i.find("*"), !1), punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(i, !1), i.unbind("hover, mouseover, mouseenter,mouseleave, resize"); var r = "resize.revslider-" + i.attr("id"); jQuery(window).off(r), i.find("*").each(function () { var e = jQuery(this); e.unbind("on, hover, mouseenter,mouseleave,mouseover, resize,restarttimer, stoptimer"), e.off("on, hover, mouseenter,mouseleave,mouseover, resize"), e.data("mySplitText", null), e.data("ctl", null), e.data("tween") != undefined && e.data("tween").kill(), e.data("kenburn") != undefined && e.data("kenburn").kill(), e.data("timeline_out") != undefined && e.data("timeline_out").kill(), e.data("timeline") != undefined && e.data("timeline").kill(), e.remove(), e.empty(), e = null }), punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(i.find("*"), !1), punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(i, !1), a.remove(); try { i.closest(".forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner").remove() } catch (o) {} try { i.closest(".rev_slider_wrapper").remove() } catch (o) {} try { i.remove() } catch (o) {} return i.empty(), i.html(), i = null, n = null, delete t.c, delete t.opt, !0 } return !1 }, revpause: function () { return this.each(function () { var e = jQuery(this); if (e != undefined && e.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + e.attr("id")).length > 0) { e.data("conthover", 1), e.data("conthover-changed", 1), e.trigger("revolution.slide.onpause"); var t = e.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"), i = t.data("opt"); i.tonpause = !0, e.trigger("stoptimer") } }) }, revresume: function () { return this.each(function () { var e = jQuery(this); if (e != undefined && e.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + e.attr("id")).length > 0) { e.data("conthover", 0), e.data("conthover-changed", 1), e.trigger("revolution.slide.onresume"); var t = e.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"), i = t.data("opt"); i.tonpause = !1, e.trigger("starttimer") } }) }, revstart: function () { var e = jQuery(this); return e != undefined && e.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + e.attr("id")).length > 0 && e.data("opt") ? e.data("opt").sliderisrunning ? (console.log("Slider Is Running Already"), !1) : (runSlider(e, e.data("opt")), !0) : void 0 }, revnext: function () { return this.each(function () { var e = jQuery(this); if (e != undefined && e.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + e.attr("id")).length > 0) { var t = e.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"), i = t.data("opt"); _R.callingNewSlide(i, e, 1) } }) }, revprev: function () { return this.each(function () { var e = jQuery(this); if (e != undefined && e.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + e.attr("id")).length > 0) { var t = e.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"), i = t.data("opt"); _R.callingNewSlide(i, e, -1) } }) }, revmaxslide: function () { return jQuery(this).find(".tp-revslider-mainul >li").length }, revcurrentslide: function () { var e = jQuery(this); if (e != undefined && e.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + e.attr("id")).length > 0) { var t = e.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"), i = t.data("opt"); return parseInt(i.act, 0) + 1 } }, revlastslide: function () { return jQuery(this).find(".tp-revslider-mainul >li").length }, revshowslide: function (e) { return this.each(function () { var t = jQuery(this); if (t != undefined && t.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + t.attr("id")).length > 0) { var i = t.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"), a = i.data("opt"); _R.callingNewSlide(a, t, "to" + (e - 1)) } }) }, revcallslidewithid: function (e) { return this.each(function () { var t = jQuery(this); if (t != undefined && t.length > 0 && jQuery("body").find("#" + t.attr("id")).length > 0) { var i = t.parent().find(".tp-bannertimer"), a = i.data("opt"); _R.callingNewSlide(a, t, e) } }) } }); var _R = jQuery.fn.revolution; jQuery.extend(!0, _R, { simp: function (e, t, i) { var a = Math.abs(e) - Math.floor(Math.abs(e / t)) * t; return i ? a : 0 > e ? -1 * a : a }, iOSVersion: function () { var e = !1; return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) ? navigator.userAgent.match(/OS 4_\d like Mac OS X/i) && (e = !0) : e = !1, e }, isIE: function (e, t) { var i = jQuery('
').appendTo(jQuery("body")); i.html(""); var a = i.find("a").length; return i.remove(), a }, is_mobile: function () { var e = ["android", "webos", "iphone", "ipad", "blackberry", "Android", "webos", , "iPod", "iPhone", "iPad", "Blackberry", "BlackBerry"], t = !1; for (var i in e) navigator.userAgent.split(e[i]).length > 1 && (t = !0); return t }, callBackHandling: function (e, t, i) { try { e.callBackArray && jQuery.each(e.callBackArray, function (e, a) { a && a.inmodule && a.inmodule === t && a.atposition && a.atposition === i && a.callback && a.callback.call() }) } catch (a) { console.log("Call Back Failed") } }, get_browser: function () { var e, t = navigator.appName, i = navigator.userAgent, a = i.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie)\/?\s*(\.?\d+(\.\d+)*)/i); return a && null != (e = i.match(/version\/([\.\d]+)/i)) && (a[2] = e[1]), a = a ? [a[1], a[2]] : [t, navigator.appVersion, "-?"], a[0] }, get_browser_version: function () { var e, t = navigator.appName, i = navigator.userAgent, a = i.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie)\/?\s*(\.?\d+(\.\d+)*)/i); return a && null != (e = i.match(/version\/([\.\d]+)/i)) && (a[2] = e[1]), a = a ? [a[1], a[2]] : [t, navigator.appVersion, "-?"], a[1] }, getHorizontalOffset: function (e, t) { var i = gWiderOut(e, ".outer-left"), a = gWiderOut(e, ".outer-right"); switch (t) { case "left": return i; case "right": return a; case "both": return i + a } }, callingNewSlide: function (e, t, i) { var a = t.find(".next-revslide").length > 0 ? t.find(".next-revslide").index() : t.find(".processing-revslide").length > 0 ? t.find(".processing-revslide").index() : t.find(".active-revslide").index(), n = 0; t.find(".next-revslide").removeClass("next-revslide"), t.find(".active-revslide").hasClass("tp-invisible-slide") && (a = e.last_shown_slide), i && jQuery.isNumeric(i) || i.match(/to/g) ? (1 === i || -1 === i ? (n = a + i, n = 0 > n ? e.slideamount - 1 : n >= e.slideamount ? 0 : n) : (i = jQuery.isNumeric(i) ? i : parseInt(i.split("to")[1], 0), n = 0 > i ? 0 : i > e.slideamount - 1 ? e.slideamount - 1 : i), t.find(".tp-revslider-slidesli:eq(" + n + ")").addClass("next-revslide")) : i && t.find(".tp-revslider-slidesli").each(function () { var e = jQuery(this); e.data("index") === i && e.addClass("next-revslide") }), n = t.find(".next-revslide").index(), t.trigger("revolution.nextslide.waiting"), a === n && a === e.last_shown_slide || n !== a && -1 != n ? swapSlide(t, e) : t.find(".next-revslide").removeClass("next-revslide") }, slotSize: function (e, t) { t.slotw = Math.ceil(t.width / t.slots), "fullscreen" == t.sliderLayout ? t.sloth = Math.ceil(jQuery(window).height() / t.slots) : t.sloth = Math.ceil(t.height / t.slots), "on" == t.autoHeight && e !== undefined && "" !== e && (t.sloth = Math.ceil(e.height() / t.slots)) }, setSize: function (e) { var t = (e.top_outer || 0) + (e.bottom_outer || 0), i = parseInt(e.carousel.padding_top || 0, 0), a = parseInt(e.carousel.padding_bottom || 0, 0), n = e.gridheight[e.curWinRange]; if (e.paddings = e.paddings === undefined ? { top: parseInt(e.c.parent().css("paddingTop"), 0) || 0, bottom: parseInt(e.c.parent().css("paddingBottom"), 0) || 0 } : e.paddings, n = n < e.minHeight ? e.minHeight : n, "fullwidth" == e.sliderLayout && "off" == e.autoHeight && punchgs.TweenLite.set(e.c, { maxHeight: n + "px" }), e.c.css({ marginTop: i, marginBottom: a }), e.width = e.ul.width(), e.height = e.ul.height(), setScale(e), e.height = Math.round(e.gridheight[e.curWinRange] * (e.width / e.gridwidth[e.curWinRange])), e.height > e.gridheight[e.curWinRange] && "on" != e.autoHeight && (e.height = e.gridheight[e.curWinRange]), "fullscreen" == e.sliderLayout || e.infullscreenmode) { e.height = e.bw * e.gridheight[e.curWinRange]; var r = (e.c.parent().width(), jQuery(window).height()); if (e.fullScreenOffsetContainer != undefined) { try { var o = e.fullScreenOffsetContainer.split(","); o && jQuery.each(o, function (e, t) { r = jQuery(t).length > 0 ? r - jQuery(t).outerHeight(!0) : r }) } catch (s) {} try { e.fullScreenOffset.split("%").length > 1 && e.fullScreenOffset != undefined && e.fullScreenOffset.length > 0 ? r -= jQuery(window).height() * parseInt(e.fullScreenOffset, 0) / 100 : e.fullScreenOffset != undefined && e.fullScreenOffset.length > 0 && (r -= parseInt(e.fullScreenOffset, 0)) } catch (s) {} } r = r < e.minHeight ? e.minHeight : r, r -= t, e.c.parent().height(r), e.c.closest(".rev_slider_wrapper").height(r), e.c.css({ height: "100%" }), e.height = r, e.minHeight != undefined && e.height < e.minHeight && (e.height = e.minHeight) } else e.minHeight != undefined && e.height < e.minHeight && (e.height = e.minHeight), e.c.height(e.height); var d = { height: i + a + t + e.height + e.paddings.top + e.paddings.bottom }; e.c.closest(".forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner").find(".tp-fullwidth-forcer").css(d), e.c.closest(".rev_slider_wrapper").css(d), setScale(e) }, enterInViewPort: function (e) { e.waitForCountDown && (countDown(e.c, e), e.waitForCountDown = !1), e.waitForFirstSlide && (swapSlide(e.c, e), e.waitForFirstSlide = !1), ("playing" == e.sliderlaststatus || e.sliderlaststatus == undefined) && e.c.trigger("starttimer"), e.lastplayedvideos != undefined && e.lastplayedvideos.length > 0 && jQuery.each(e.lastplayedvideos, function (t, i) { _R.playVideo(i, e) }) }, leaveViewPort: function (e) { e.sliderlaststatus = e.sliderstatus, e.c.trigger("stoptimer"), e.playingvideos != undefined && e.playingvideos.length > 0 && (e.lastplayedvideos = jQuery.extend(!0, [], e.playingvideos), e.playingvideos && jQuery.each(e.playingvideos, function (t, i) { e.leaveViewPortBasedStop = !0, _R.stopVideo && _R.stopVideo(i, e) })) }, unToggleState: function (e) { e != undefined && e.length > 0 && jQuery.each(e, function (e, t) { t.removeClass("rs-toggle-content-active") }) }, toggleState: function (e) { e != undefined && e.length > 0 && jQuery.each(e, function (e, t) { t.addClass("rs-toggle-content-active") }) }, lastToggleState: function (e) { var t = 0; return e != undefined && e.length > 0 && jQuery.each(e, function (e, i) { t = i.hasClass("rs-toggle-content-active") }), t } }); var _ISM = _R.is_mobile(), removeArray = function (e, t) { var i = []; return jQuery.each(e, function (e, a) { e != t && i.push(a) }), i }, removeNavWithLiref = function (e, t, i) { i.c.find(e).each(function () { var e = jQuery(this); e.data("liref") === t && e.remove() }) }, lAjax = function (e, t) { return jQuery("body").data(e) ? !1 : t.filesystem ? (t.errorm === undefined && (t.errorm = "
Local Filesystem Detected !
Put this to your header:"), console.warn("Local Filesystem detected !"), t.errorm = t.errorm + '
', console.warn(t.jsFileLocation + e + t.extensions_suffix + " could not be loaded !"), console.warn("Please use a local Server or work online or make sure that you load all needed Libraries manually in your Document."), console.log(" "), t.modulesfailing = !0, !1) : (jQuery.ajax({ url: t.jsFileLocation + e + t.extensions_suffix, dataType: "script", cache: !0, error: function (i) { console.warn("Slider Revolution 5.0 Error !"), console.error("Failure at Loading:" + e + t.extensions_suffix + " on Path:" + t.jsFileLocation), console.info(i) } }), void jQuery("body").data(e, !0)) }, getNeededScripts = function (e, t) { var i = new Object, a = e.navigation; return i.kenburns = !1, i.parallax = !1, i.carousel = !1, i.navigation = !1, i.videos = !1, i.actions = !1, i.layeranim = !1, i.migration = !1, t.data("version") && t.data("version").toString().match(/5./gi) ? 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